the BLOG of stuart mcdonald

Sometimes Just Have To Let Him Orchestrate
March 26, 2010, 12:53 pm
Filed under: My Life...

God is such an amazing orchestrator sometimes — actually, all the time. We tend to forget this until His plan manifests. And today was one of those days.

Tired, real tired, and heading home from school, I got on the wrong train. I was still heading the right direction, but the lines split at a certain point and I was on the wrong line. Of course, I didn’t figure this out until after the split, so I wasted a good 15 minutes of my time. Normally I wouldn’t be too upset about this (after all, I’m half embarrassed to say that this isn’t the first time it’s happened) but I had somewhere to be. Somewhere I was already late getting to. So, I did the only thing I could do; I got off at the next stop and hopped on the southbound train back to Lindbergh so I could catch the right train.

While I’m sitting on the bench at the Lindbergh station, the next northbound train arrives. It’s not mine. I have to wait longer. The train arrives, doors open, and, being the nosy, people watcher I am, I watch as the people file off the train. Wait. A face I know. I haven’t seen Kelly in quite a while. Because of my hair, I look a bit different than I did last time we chatted. She almost didn’t recognize me.

Ok, stop. Because I know y’all, and you know I write about relationships, let me clarify something real quick — Kelly’s been either engaged or married for as long as I’ve known her and there was never any temptation for anything else. She was someone I’d converse with for five or ten minutes in passing at church. We hadn’t seen each other in quite a few months. And things had significantly changed for both myself and for her and her husband during that time.

As we sat on the cool stone bench, waiting for the next train to roar through the station, I couldn’t help but think how wonderfully God orchestrated and planned out this whole conversation. Even in what I saw as a mistake, a blunder on my part, He had a plan. I thought my schedule was off, that I was going to be late for my appointment. Yet I was right on time for His schedule, for His appointments. Who knew?

The right Northbound train comes and we continue the conversation once on board. We caught up on what had transpired since we’d last talked and how things had changed. And wow… how they’d changed. As we talked, I came to a deeper realization of a few things. Some things sound different when they come out of your mouth. These were some of those things. I had been processing over certain life issues and what and where God has me in this next season. But this was in my head. I hadn’t said it out loud. Not yet. But like I said, some things sound different, perhaps more real, when you speak them out of your mouth.

While I didn’t walk away having decided what to do with this new season of life, I did more clearly understand that God’s ability to orchestrate is flawless. Impeccable. Second to none. He sees exactly where I am right now and He knows exactly what I need. There’s no doubt that He’ll supply what I need. He will bring people in and out of my life better than I ever could, if only I trust him to do so.

[Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter, and connect via Facebook.]

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Hi, I read your article “Why I hate Dating Christians”. I have to say I “LOVVEED” it. For the past 13 yrs. now I have not been on a date or had a relationship, and I’ve been thinking how do I approach the dating scene since I am a christian and dating other christians. I learned a lot from your article in how to not approach the “Marriage” subject and to just learn how to enjoy that “Moment” while on the date. I’ve learned that not all questions have to be answered right then and there; so I’ll keep those to myself. There are other questions, given that we as christians do not have our own outlets to enjoy entertainment and other things, but how do you enjoy yourself in the “World Setting”? Can’t wait for the next article.

Comment by Marion Campbell

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